FullFillery Events and News
This time we WON for Best of D.C. 2024’s Best Green Business!

Best of 2024 Washington City Paper: Best Green Business
Yet another (unexpected award):

We’re extremely pleased to welcome our 2nd featured local artist, Janice Levitt. Janice often incorporates broken pieces of gorgeous plates, cups, and tiles from her neighbors to create beautiful, thoughtful mosaics. Her work will be featured on our walls to admire and purchase. Be on the lookout for a Meet ‘n’ Greet with Janice later in the summer.

Check out her website here: https://www.janicelevittmosaics.com/home
We’re proud to be co-hosting Getting Real About Plastic Reduction with the TPSS Coop, on Tuesday June 20, 6:30pm-8pm. It will be at our store and online.
Are you wrestling with the challenge of reducing plastic packaging in your life? The TPSS Co-op Board and FullFillery Zero Waste Store invite you to hear from a panel of local waste-reduction experts about practical ways to approach the problem.

We’re now showcasing local artists on our walls! Come to the opening for each artist (1 artist every month or two) and/or buy right from the store during regular business hours. Our first artist is Jay Akita. Come meet him personally at the Meet’n’Greet on Saturday May 20, 7pm-10pm!

Someone nominated us for an interview with CanvasRebel, an online magazine that publishes conversations with entrepreneurs, artists, and creatives. Their website has a wealth of inspiring stories. Check it out!

In the case of zero waste, there’s a conflict between what typically makes money for a retail business on the one hand, and the goals of a zero waste lifestyle, on the other.. If you’re serious about reducing the waste you generate, you’re not looking to buy a steady stream of new products, which most businesses rely on. I do believe most people in Corporate America set out to provide a solid product or service for their customers. But since corporations exist in order to generate a profit, priorities inevitably get shuffled around.
Our founders chose to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC) instead of a corporation. This has allowed us to concentrate on our mission first, without having to concentrate primarily on generating profit for stakeholders.We enjoy offering innovative new products that make it easier to reuse or refill. But our greatest joy is in helping people get out of the consumerist “disposables” mindset.
Someone out there nominated us for City Paper’s Best of DC awards, and apparently a lot of you voted for us. We were finalists for Best Green Business, and we won for Best Handmade Eco-friendly Products!! Thank you for shopping with us and for being so enthusiastic!


What do Takoma Park’s mayoral candidates have to say about our critical environmental challenges? FullFillery’s Green Forum (October 11) gave all three a chance respond to audience questions. FullFillery’s Green Forum, featuring all three candidates for the mayor of Takoma Park
We’re excited to have found a larger space that is just as convenient (actually, slightly more convenient)! We’re now in Suite 200, just across the hall from our previous location in Suite 204.

Bring Your Own Container for Castile Soap (FullFillery), Dish Soap Liquid, Dish Soap Concentrate (FullFillery), Dishwasher Detergent tabs (Dropps), Home Cleaning Scrub (FullFillery), Laundry Powder (FullFillery), Laundry Liquid Detergent (FullFillery), Oxygen Brightener, Toilet Tabs (FullFillery), Toothpaste Tabs, fluoride-free (Unpaste).

In the meantime, we’ve also established a presence at the Chevy Chase Farmers Market, year-round on Saturdays from 9am-1pm. 5701 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington DC 20015. Tell your friends!

We’re now listed in the Maryland Green Registry, which lists businesses and organizations that practice smart, sustainable practices. Take a look at some of them: https://mde.maryland.gov/MarylandGreen/Pages/GreenMemberList.aspx